About Divine Oils International and Carole
My Essential Oils can help with numerous illnesses and ailments, skin conditions and muscle problems, promoting cell rejuvenation from head to toe.
Plus a range of beauty products designed especially for you !
Applied topically, My Essential Oils are absorbed almost instantly through the skin and into the blood stream. Proven to be quicker than taking conventional medication orally.
My Essential Oils can be used in the bath, through inhalation, or applied to the skin via a carrier oil and massaged into the desired areas.
It is well-known My Essential Oils have the feel-good factor – soothing and calming the emotions of the user.
More and more people are discovering the benefits of My Essential Oils as a natural option.
My Essential Oils are here to help YOU !
Can your problem be helped using My Unique Essential Oils ?
Click Here to Find Out
Carole Ramsdale
From a very young age, Carole Ramsdale has been attracted towards a more natural, holistic and spiritual way of life.
Her interest in oils started around 40 years ago when she received a gift of an essential oil kit. Later, by experimenting , researching , and subsequently gaining a vast amount of knowledge about oils, she then incorporated them into the health and wellbeing of her children and subsequently her grandchildren – even her pets!.
With her life experiences using oils, Carole decided to share her wealth of knowledge and expertise with you, and how Essential Oils can help heal and enhance your every day life.
Carole is also a spiritual medium, with training of over 40 years.
She brings this to her business in the form of reading the Tarot cards.

Divine oils